How should I allocate my money?

futures, or other derivates trading
margin account

Margin trading conditions

Let's say that I have a $100K account with 20% leverage.

This means I have a buying power of 500K (am I right?).

The question is if I should risk 50K (50% of my capital) or 250K (50% of my buying power).

For example:

I sold 10 contracts of SPY 336 put. My platform (IBKR) says that my initial margin is $343 and my maintenance margin is $301.

But I know that if I get assigned, I will need to buy $336K worth of SPY... What happens then?...

This means I have a buying power of 500K (am I right?).

[5] states that 20% leverage allows not more than 5x buying power. (Not Financial Advice)

The question is if I should risk 50K (50% of my capital) or 250K (50% of my buying power).

It makes sense to use paper trading account at the beginning.

But I know that if I get assigned, I will need to buy $336K worth of SPY... What happens then?...

- if the put options is ITM(In The Money, its price is higher than the actual equity price), amount of loss for price change should be paid

- [6] describes Margin Call, when current portfolio value is less than maintenance margin (or some other minimum required threshold);

- [6] also mentions that any funds borrowed usually have interest rate to be paid as well

IBKR claims to visualize margin requirements before placing a configured order. [1]

There're 2 pages with a detailed breakdown on options contracts margin. [2], [3]

As of leverage - essentially it implies some margin requirements. IBKR documentation mostly operates with margin term. So explicit leverage perhaps is up to you to estimate. There's a link below from investopedia about leverage vs margin. [4]

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